Friday, August 29, 2008

Capai Berat Badan Ideal Tanpa Harus Berdiet

Saat ini telah tersedia berbagai makanan dengan kelezatan yang menggoda, membuat orang ingin selalu mengkonsumsinya, ini yang sering membuat berat badan menjadi tidak terkontrol. Makan juga menjadi suatu kesenangan dalam hidup, sehingga sering orang mengkonsumsi makanan yang disukainya saja dan lupa mengkonsumsi makanan secara sehat dan seimbang.

Makanan yang sehat dan seimbang akan membuat kita terhindar dari penyakit-penyakit berat, seperti diabetes, stroke dan penyakit jantung. Cobalah untuk mengkonsumsi makanan sehat yang disukai daripada melakukan diet ketat untuk menurunkan berat badan. Beberapa jenis makanan ini dapat dikonsumsi tanpa takut akan meningkatkan berat badan, bahkan baik jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah besar. Makanan itu antara lain:

* Sayur dan buah-buahan, sebaiknya dikonsumsi sedikitnya 5-7 porsi sehari.

* Konsumsi berbagai jenis biji-bijian sebaiknya biji-bijian dalam bentuk utuh, juga polong-polongan.

* Konsumsi lebih banyak ikan dan daging tanpa lemak.

Sedang makanan yang harus dihindari antara lain:

* Makanan yang mengandung kalori tinggi tapi nilai gizinya rendah seperti kue, minuman ringan dan lain-lain.

* Makanan yang mengandung tinggi lemak hewani dan kolesterol seperti susu tinggi lemak, daging yang banyak lemaknya, mentega dan lain-lain.

* Hindari menggoreng makanan karena akan meningkatkan kandungan lemaknya. Masaklah makanan dengan cara direbus, dikukus/tim atau dipanggang.

* Kurangi konsumsi garam, terutama pada penderita tekanan darah tinggi.

* Juga jangan lupa untuk mengurangi konsumsi minuman beralkohol.

[Sumber: Pontianakpost]
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hepatitis A

Penyakit Hepatitis A disebabkan oleh virus yang disebarkan oleh kotoran/tinja penderita biasanya melalui makanan (fecal - oral), bukan melalui aktivitas sexual atau melalui darah. Hepatitis A paling ringan dibanding hepatitis jenis lain(B dan C). Sementara hepatitis B dan C disebarkan melalui media darah dan aktivitas sexual dan lebih berbahaya dibanding Hepatitis A.

Masa inkubasi
Waktu terekspos sampai kena penyakit kira-kira 2 sampai 6 minggu. anda akan mengalami gejala gejala seperti demam, lemah, letih, dan lesu, pada beberapa kasus, seringkali terjadi muntah muntah yang terus menerus sehingga menyebabkan seluruh badan terasa lemas. Demam yang terjadi adalah demam yang terus menerus, tidak seperti demam yang lainnya yaitu pada demam berdarah, tbc, thypus, dll.

Masa pengasingan yang disarankan
Selama 2 minggu setelah gejala pertama atau 1 minggu setelah penyakit kuning muncul. jangan terlalu banyak aktivitas.

Masa pengasingan yang disarankan
Selama 2 minggu setelah gejala pertama atau 1 minggu setelah penyakit kuning muncul. jangan terlalu banyak aktivitas.
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Monday, June 23, 2008

Jika Lelah Terus Mendera

Rutinitas yang padat terkadang membuat kita merasa kelelahan, hal ini ditandai dengan tubuh yang terasa lemas dan pegal - pegal. Tapi jika kelelahan terus melanda Anda, jangan - jangan itu gejala fibromyalgia !

Apa Itu Fibromyalgia ?
Merupakan ganguan yang dapat menimbulkan rasa nyeri otot dan pegal, sehingga Anda mungkin akan merasa lemah sepanjang waktu. Saat ini, fibromyalgia tidak dapat didiagnosa berdasarkan hasil laboratorium. Jadi, dokter akan menanyakan riwayat kesehatan atau mungkin memeriksa seluruh sendi dan otot untuk dihubungkan dengan gangguan kesehatan yang anda alami.

Perhatikan Gejalanya !
Bersamaan dengan ditemukan beberapa titik nyeri di tubuh, mungkin Anda juga akan mengalami gejala - gejala berikut :
■ Rasa nyeri di seluruh bagian tubuh.
■ Semua sendi merasa kaku dan nyeri.
■ Sulit tidur.
■ Merasa lelah terus - menerus, bahkan sekalipun setelah tidur lelah semalaman.
■ Gangguan buang air besar.

Fibromyalgia bisa menjadi masalah secara terus menerus, namun bukan berarti hal tersebut akan mengganggu aktivitas Anda sehari - hari

Ini Obatnya !
Olahraga terbukti efektif dalam membantu anda mengurangi nyeri. Tetapi ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan.
■ Jangan lupa lakukan peregangan setiap kali sebelum dan sesudah berolahraga.
■ Pilihlah olahraga low impact, seperti jalan cepat, ber sepeda, berenang, atau olahraga air lainnya.
■ Jangan memaksakan diri Anda. Lakukan peningkatan latihan sedikit demi sedikit.
■ Untuk hasil yang terbaik, olahraga harus dijadikan bagian dari gaya hidup Anda sehari - hari.

Semakin lelap tidur Anda, berarti Anda menabung sejumlah energi. Cobalah beberapa tips dibawah ini untuk memperoleh manfaat tidur :
■ Hindari membaca atau bekerja di tempat tidur.
■ Usahakan tidur pada jam yang sama setiap malamnya, dan usahakan bangun pada jam yang sama pula.
■ Hindari konsumsi alcohol, kopi atau rokok sekurang - kurangnya 3 jam sebelum tidur.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008


Apa Itu Kualitas Protein ?
Tidak semua protein mempunyai kualitas yang sama. Ada yang memiliki komponen asam amino yang lengkap (termasuk asam amino esensial ) dan ada juga yang hanya mengandung beberapa tipe saja. Kelengkapan asam amino ini akan semakin membantu untuk pertumbuhan otot. Ada beberapa cara untuk menilai kualitas protein :

■ Complete vs Incomplete protein
Complete protein adalah protein yang mengandung asam amino esensial secara lengkap. Sedangkan Incomplete protein adalah protein yang tidak mengandung satu atau lebih asam amino esensial.

■ Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)
Rating protein dengan mengukur berapa banyak pertambahan berat badan dengan jumlah protein yang diasup.

■ Net Protein Utilization (NPU)
Rating protein yang dilakukan berdasar kemudahan protein untuk dicerna. NPU diukur dari percent nitrogen yang diserap dari asam amino yang ada di produk protein tersebut. Semakin banyak nitrogen yang diserap semakin mudah protein tersebut untuk dicerna.

■ Biological Value (BV)
Rating protein berdasar utilisasi protein yang diasup dan digunakan untuk protein synthesis oleh tubuh. Nilai BV akan semakin tinggi apabila asam amino esensial di protein semakin lengkap.

■ Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)
Rating protein berdasar kandungan asam amino, kemudahannya untuk diserap dan kandungan asam amino esensial untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh.

■ Protein Chemical Score
Rating protein berdasar komposisi asam amino esensial dengan membandingkannya dengan reference.

Asam Amino Essential
Merupakan asam amino yang tidak dapat diproduksi oleh tubuh, oleh karena itu harus didapat dari makanan.

- Isoleucine
- Methionine
- Tryptophan
- Leucine
- Phenylalanine
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lung Cancer, A Serious Problem!!!


Lung cancer kills more men and women than any other form of cancer. It is estimated that by the year 2000, over three hundred thousand people will die from lung cancer in the United States alone. The economic loss is calculated to be over two billion dollars a year.
Most lung cancers begin to grow silently, without any symptoms. Patients with lung cancer often do not develop symptoms until the cancer is in an advanced stage. The actual time from when one cell becomes cancerous until it is large enough to be diagnosed or produce symptoms may take as long as 10 to 40 years. Since the majority of lung cancer is diagnosed at a relatively late stage, only 10% of all lung cancer patients are ultimately cured. If the patient cannot be cured by surgery at the time the cancer is found, there is a 50% chance that death will occur in less than one year.


Smoking: 90% of patients with lung cancer have a smoking history. There is a direct relationship between amount of tobacco exposure and risk for developing lung cancer. Stopping smoking is associated with a gradual decrease in risk, but an appreciable diminution of riskoccurs only after a long period of time(more than 6 months).
Occupational and atmospheric pollution: Exposure to agents such as arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, chloromethylethers, mustard gas and radiation has been linked with development of lung cancer.
Inhalation of combustion byproducts: In Asians, the population of cases attributable to active smoking may not be as high. The rate of deaths from smoking-related lung cancer has been reported to be as low as 6% among Asian women, however, an additional lung cancer risk unrelated to smoking has been observed among Chinese women. No smoking risk factors in these patients include inhalation of combustion byproducts from cooking, heating stoves, and oil furnaces.
The risk of lung cancer is greater for those living in urban areas. This risk is approximately 1.2 to 2.3 times that of people living in rural areas. There is also an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers whose close relatives have had lung cancer. Scarring in the lungs from previous infections or injury can be associated with and increased risk of cancer.


Lung cancers are broadly classified into small cell or non-small cell. Non-small cell cancers are further divided into adenocarcinomas, bronchoalveolar-alveolar, squamous cell and large cell carcinomas. Approximately, 75-85 percent of lung cancers are non-small cell cancers and 15-25 percent are small cell cancers of the lung.

Non-Small Cell Cancer of the Lung

Adenocarcinoma is the most common non-small cell cancer of the lung. The majority of these cancers develop in the periphery (outer part) of the lung. Since these cancers are in the outer portion of the lung, the patient often does not have any symptoms when the cancer is found on a chest x-ray. Adenocarcinomas tend to metastasize (spread to other parts of the body) to the bone, the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), the adrenal glands, the liver, and the opposite lung.
Frequently, there is scarring in adenocarcinomas. Sometimes, the cancer arises in an area of old scarring of the lung. In other cases, the scar appears to arise secondary to the growth of the cancer.
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma or alveolar cell carcinoma is a non-small cell carcinoma that can be found throughout the respiratory tract. When it is discovered as a single mass on a patient's x-ray, this type of lung cancer has an excellent prognosis. Five year survival after surgery is in the 75-90 percent range. If, however, it is found in its diffuse form (meaning it has spread beyond a single mass), the prognosis is quite poor.
Squamous cell carcinomas comprise 30-40 percent of non-small cell carcinomas of the lung. This type of cancer tends to be located in the more central portion of the lung. Often, this is in a bronchus (a large airway of the lung). Since these cancers are located near or in these airways, they can cause symptoms earlier in their growth. Coughing and production of phlegm (sputum) that is bloody are common symptoms. The cancer can block airways which can lead to shortness of breath orpneumonia.
Large cell carcinomas represent about 10 percent of non-small cell cancers of the lung. This form of lung cancer has fewer structural characteristics when viewed under a microscope. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish this form of lung cancer from cancers which have spread to the lung from another place in the body.

Small Cell Cancer of the Lung

Small cell cancer is the most aggressive type of lung cancer and has the worst prognosis. These cancers tend to grow rapidly and metastasize to other parts of the body early.
Small cell cancer of the lung is usually seen as a mass located in the central portion of the chest on chest x-ray. The primary cancer spreads to lymph nodes of the chest and also enters the blood stream which carries it to other organs such as the liver, bone, brain and spinal cord, kidneys, pancreas, and adrenal glands.
It is rare that small cell cancer of the lung can be cured with surgery because either the primary cancer is too large to be removed or it has already spread to other parts of the body. However, small cell cancer of the lung is generally quite responsive to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Click HERE for more information about cancer and cancer treatment!

(Indonesian version)

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Iressa is a new drug that is still being investigated as a cancer treatment. It is sometimes called ZD 1839 or gefitinib. The drug is being developed by AstraZeneca. Iressa has been in the press before, when a number of small, early cancer trials announced their findings at a major international conference in the USA. Iressa is not yet licensed in the UK because it is still being tested in clinical trials.

A large trial called the ISEL trial has reported some results. This trial was looking into whether Iressa helps people with non small cell lung cancer live longer . Unfortunately, Iressa didn't seem to help lung cancer patients to live longer overall. But the drug company running the trial say that there were groups of patients who benefited more than others. We don't know exactly why that is as yet. It is likely that the research will continue to try to find out more.

The drug company that make Iressa were supplying it to patients with non small cell lung cancer on a compassionate basis (this means to help patients who have had all other types of treatment). But as of the 3rd October 2005, they stopped providing it to any new patients with non small cell lung cancer or head and neck cancer. This is partly because another similar drug, erlotinib or Tarceva, has just been licensed in Europe for non small cell lung cancer. And also because they need to do more research to find out who Iressa helps and why. They will continue to supply Iressa to anyone already taking it and who are getting benefit from it. They also say they will continue their research.

How it Works? (Source)
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